Low-interest financing is the set of the monetary resources that companies can access to better cover the financial need generated by their projects for the development and improvement of the company. More generally, low-interest financing includes all tools arranged by the legislator in favour of companies, in order to provide them with a competitive advantage in the medium-long term. The main sources of contributions come from the European Union and are made of a wide range of tools and opportunities available most of all at three levels: regional, national and community. To keep under control the continuous and countless public notices and to promptly seize the best opportunities, Studio Broggini makes available to its customers a know-how and several resources able to proactively support companies in the different stages of management of the requests:
- Identification and selection of opportunities based on the customer’s specific profile and on its investment plan;
- Check of the possession of the requirements needed to benefit from the contributions;
- Project and submission of the request for contributions;
- Monitoring of the development and submission of the project reports.
Undoubtedly, low-interest financing represents a precious – and often unknown – ally for companies. In fact, only a few companies have expert employees specifically dedicated to these activities, characterized by a continuous evolution that require constant updating. Studio Broggini is a precious ally, that allows its customer to make the most of the opportunities offered by the low-interest financing tools.