Gruppo Studio Broggini MarcoSlide thumbnail

Gruppo Studio Broggini MarcoSlide thumbnail

Studio Broggini

Studio Broggini has more than twenty years of experience, that allow it to satisfy all needs of companies, professionals, associations and private persons.

At the beginning, it worked only as an accountant, but it soon realized that this important area of support had to be integrated with other aspects, such as business strategy, its efficacy and efficiency, and the way to face the market.

The objective is to concentrate the attention on the entrepreneur, reference figure for most of the complex dynamics and needs present in a company, with the final aim of increasing the business value through its results.

With time, Studio Broggini added expertise and successful skills in several intervention areas, that today allow it to face the market as a consolidated reality, aiming at innovation and continuous improvement of its services for customers.

Studio Broggini’s team is made of real specialists: accountants, professionals and consultants of proven experience and skills, as well as a network of counsel (legal, managerial, technical and specialized) expertise, that with confidentiality, professionalism and kindness understand and satisfy the customer’s needs.


Deeply understanding the different situations of customers, companies and professionals, their problems, opportunities and risks, providing the assistance and consultancy needed while choosing the correct strategies and actions to improve the company performance, to solve the problems or to value specific business components, leveraging on the strong points, trying to create a sustainable competitive long-lasting advantage, sharing with the customer the most important decisions.

Helping the customer to make evaluations concerning the personal and private area, assets, successions, transfer or acquisition of assets, generational and family planning.

A modern, dynamic and interdisciplinary approach, the research of the necessary contacts, the knowledge derived from experience, the focus on the right, new technologies and on innovation are unique and essential points of the services provided by Studio Broggini.


Solving complex and wide-ranging problems in different fields of expertise and specialization, through a “total” and customized consultancy, focused on the customer’s needs.

Today, this represents an essential aspect for consulting companies, that interact with the economic system of national and international companies.

As to Italy, however, the several specific aspects that distinguish it require, more than total interaction skills, also a level of expertise and relationships that allow to detect and propose the best and more favourable solutions to customers.

Studio Broggini provides a personalized, integrated and proactive consultancy in strategic, managerial, organizational, economic-financial, tax areas for the different problems of its customers, helping them in making decisions, with mutual trust and an ethical approach.

The combination of several professional skills, to understand, interpret and define all aspects of the problem with the consequent best solution, is considered a further distinctive element of the services offered.

This method, as well as the quality of Studio Broggini’s skills, allow the customer to concentrate only on its business, relieving it from the unavoidable formal and bureaucratic aspects, that – being subject to always evolving rules – require a continuous updating.


Mr. Marco Broggini
Mr. Marco BrogginiAccountant and statutory auditor.
Professional with thirty-year experience in consultancy, at all levels.
Mr. Gabriele Pagano
Mr. Gabriele PaganoAccountant and statutory auditor, with a master in revenue law.
He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for more than 20 years, his main skills concern business, tax and contractual consultancy; he’s an expert of national, international revenue law and tax litigations.
Mr. Filippo Liotta
Mr. Filippo Liotta Accountant and statutory auditor.
He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini since 2004, after having carried out the compulsory professional apprenticeship there. His main fields of expertise range from tax and business consultancy, to litigations, inspections and due diligence of companies and societies.
Mr. Umberto Vella
Mr. Umberto Vella
After having received the law degree, he worked for more than 38 years for the Income Revenue Authority with operational and managerial functions.
He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini since 2015 and he mainly takes care of control and tax litigation, as well as due diligence procedures and tax check-ups.

External professionals

Mrs. Giovanna VillaAccountant and statutory auditor
Professional with more than ten years of experience, she is engaged in several government and control boards of national and multinational companies. She cooperates with Studio Broggini for specific controls and particular problems (Legislative Decree 231, supervisory boards, etc…)
Mr. Pier Davide MontonatiYour Content Goes Here
He graduated with a degree in Business Economics and has a master in management of SME. He’s also specialized in the safety of company information (Information Security Management ISO 27001). He operates in the academic and company field as teacher and consultant on themes concerning the strategic approach to business sustainability, more than on management of national and European, regional facilitated financing tools, both non-repayable and with financing. He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for a long time on specific themes, such as facilitated financing, information security, sustainability reports.
Mr. Patrizio Matttioni
He graduated with a degree in Engineering, he has a thirty-year experience in multinational companies in Italy and abroad, where he covered managerial and management roles. Currently, he takes care of consultancy to companies and managers in the sectors of business, commercial, organizational, industrial strategy at all levels, more than intervening in M&A operations. He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for several years, obtaining excellent results in several reorganizations and industrial and commercial conversions.
Mr. Alberto Lorenzini
Graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Installation, he has a long experience built in the industrial area of multinational companies (durable assets, automotive components, aeronautical constructions) in Italy, Sweden, China, South Africa, Poland. He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for a long time, as Temporary Manager in analysis and tasks concerning corporate and industrial restructuring, rationalization and start-up of processes and activities, industrial development, project management, business planning.
Mr. Roberto Vagaggini
Lawyer since 1992 and counsel for defence in the Italian Supreme Court since 2000, he has his own law offices both in Varese and in Milan. He practices privately with a particular focus on the problems of the production and business world. He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for legal, business, contractual and insolvency problems.
Mr. Mauro VellaAccountant and statutory auditor
Qualified also in Switzerland as Trustee Accountant, he carries out his activity in a primary consultancy agency seated in Lugano. He cooperates with Studio Broggini for specific transnational problems between Italy and Switzerland and for all aspects concerning the Swiss tax system.
Mr. Sergio Achini
Architect with a Master Degree in architecture and more than 40 years of experience, he’s registered in the roll of experts of the Court of Varese and in the List “818” of the Minister of Interiors. He’s also an Energy Certifier, a planner and structural inspector, a technician for the province of Varese on behalf of Federalberghi, with specific skills in residential, commercial and industrial building, and specialization in hotel building and fire prevention. He’s been cooperating for many years with Studio Broggini concerning the building, energy, structural and installation problems for production plants and residential buildings.
Mrs. Laura De Ambrogio
Labour consultant, with 40 years of experience in the specific field of human resources and work environments management, today she owns a primary Labour Consulting Agency in Varese. She’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for a long time both as to the ordinary management of employees, and as to specific reorganization and extraordinary cases.
Mr. Diego Ghirardini
Labour consultant, with 40 years of experience in the specific field of human resources and work environments management, today he owns a primary Labour Consulting Agency in Varese. He’s been cooperating with Studio Broggini for a long time both as to the ordinary management of employees, and as to specific reorganization and extraordinary cases.
Mr. Filippo Ghirardini
Graduated with a degree in Engineering, he takes care of consultancy on specific subjects, such as health and safety of the workplace, occupational medicine, training, environment protection, information security and personal data protection through a specific service provider.
Mrs. Giovanna Gervasini Accountant and statutory auditor
Professional with forty years of experience, she has been the owner of a primary consultancy agency until 2012, now she’s member of several boards of auditors and cooperates with Studio Broggini for specific problems concerning control and inspection.
Mr. Alessadro Picheo
Graduated with a law degree, he cooperates with Studio Broggini as external professional, with specific expertise in compliance with the standards in force (Administrative responsibility of bodies – Legislative Decree 231/2001, Safety and Health on the workplace, Legislative Decree 81/2008, Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree 196/2003), audits and inspections of compliance, development and integration of inner management systems (quality, safety, environment).